Brad continued through the day to have some difficulty breathing and a lot of trouble staying awake. By 4pm I felt his head and determined that he was yet again running fever. Brad shared with me that his continual inability to stay awake was really concerning him (& me & everyone else in the house)...he was afraid that his exhaustion was due to a lack of oxygen. I tried to reassure him that his body needed to rest in order to heal. He said that he was fine if healing were the reason, but he dreaded the idea that his condition could possibly grow worse. He & I sat together in the living room and prayed fervently that God intervene in a way that would prove instantly that He was working to heal Brad. It reminded me of the times that Michael Harbour tells us, "Lord, we believe, help us with our unbelief."
After we prayed, I gave Brad ibuprofen for his fever. After about twenty minutes, he started to feel better, he stayed awake the rest of the evening, and just went to sleep at 11:30pm. I am so thankful for a more encouraging evening. I pray that Brad has a good night of sleep, that he wakes up feeling even better, and has more energy. Thank you God for answering our prayers.
You will never know how much I am learning about my relationship with God from you guys through this blog... thank you for always sharing and keeping us updated... what a precious pic of Zeke and we are praying.
I, too, thank you for letting us know specifically what to pray for. We will definitely pray for a peaceful, restful night and for a good day tomorrow.
Love the picture of Zeke. What amazing parents he has been blessed with.
love you guys dearly...
Thank you for sharing. WHat a testimony! We will not stop praying.
you have to blow that picture up poster size...sooo precious! Thank you for another honest update. May you feel our prayers!!
I am praying daily for your beautiful family. You and Brad are amazingly strong in your Faith and I find that inspiring. I hope today is better.
I know you and Brad are 'weary' but you have to KEEP remembering WHO is in control!!!! It is in HIS time to heal Brad. May God continue to be with you and uplift you!
We continue to keep you all in our prayers. Thank you so much for taking the time to keep us posted.
The picture of Zeke is such a reminder of how many people you guys have praying for you. We will continue to lif tyou up in prayer constantly. God can heal! I hope Brad has a better day today and is able to breathe more easily! Love ya, Kathryn
Thanks so much for updating us. Your prayer and faith is so AWESOME. You both are such excellent role models for all of us. We are continuing to pray for all of you. love, Pat Grisham
You guys have to be the most amazing couple I have ever known! That picture of Zeke is priceless. With him on your side praying you are sure to be heard.
Wow! That is an excellent story about God's grace, mercy and answer to prayer. I am praying for you guys.
I don't know you, and to be honest, I cannot even remember how I happened upon your blog. But I have been reading daily, and cannot count the times that I have been brought to tears with your story, and your unrelenting faith!! You guys are such an inspiration. We are praying for Brad, and I have asked several of my other bloggers to pray as well! By the way, are you guys Church of Christ?? One of your previous blogs aluded to that. We attend in Edmond, OK!
Thank you for the update. Praying that each hour is better than the last - and for complete healing for Brad.
That picture brings tears to my eyes. I don't think there are many things more precious to God than hearing the prayers of our children. We are fervently praying here. Love you guys.
That picture is the sweetest thing I have ever seen...praying for you daily!
Jenny and Brad, I received this in my e-mail today. It is from Sheila Walsh (Women of Faith) I am sharing this with you becaurse I thought it was encouraging. I hope it encourages you.
"Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I
press on that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has already
laid hold of me..I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward
call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:12, 14.
Dear Friends,
First of all, Happy New Year! I pray that the holiday season was a time
of joy and refreshment for you. Barry, Christian and I had a wonderful
time just being together. Christian had lots of buddies spend the night
so our house was full of noise and laughter. Believe it or not, we are
just taking down the last of our trees today!
Now we stand at the beginning of a new year, a year that promises to be
full of change and challenge. At Women of Faith, our theme for 2009 is A
Grand New Day. I love this theme. For the believer, one of the greatest
promises we have is that in Christ we are invited to leave the past at
the foot of the cross and walk with confidence into each new day, not in
our own strength but in His.
My new book, Let Go, which will be released in March is the most
personal book I have written in many years. Fifteen years ago I wrote,
Honestly, which told the story of my struggle with clinical depression
and the month I spent in a psychiatric ward as Christ salvaged my life
from the ashes of my own decimated dreams. Fifteen years later, I tell
the rest of the story.
One of the most powerful things that God has spoken to me last couple of
years is to let go! That's hard for me! I like to know what is
going to happen and how God is going to resolve seemingly impossible
situations. Over the course of this time, I came to understand that how
God was going to do it was irrelevant because of who He is. This und
erstanding is life-changing.
My prayer for each one of us in 2009 is that we will learn that we can
let go of everything we cling on to and cling instead to Christ. No
matter what we read in the newspapers, God is in control. No matter what
your doctor tells you, God is in control. No matter what occurs in
Washington or across the globe, our God is in control.
I pray that this truth will give your heart courage, joy and strength.
I am grateful to be your sister in Christ,
Will not (have not) stop(ped) praying--love you all so much! Keep the fight, keep the faith. God will triumph!!
Scott and Tammie
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