Tanya, one of the nurses on staff.
Micah, Brad's Physical Therapist/Nurse, spends the most time caring for Brad during his fever therapies.
Head Nurse Christine & Georgia's mother discussing at-home treatment
Brad "under cover" during one of his fever therapies. Poor guy gets so cold he even has to cover his face & nose to stay warm.
My butterfly bed (right next to Brad's)....I have slept here next to Brad on many occasions. I think this bed is so pretty.
The Famous Dr. Thaller
Georgia & her boyfriend Nikol.
Our home for this visit...the Kafferlein House.
Brad doing his new favorite activity...Sudoko...just before they took him back for his tumor resection.
I had to share the beauty of the leaves. The tree leaves were transforming right before our very eyes during this visit. We would travel down one road on one day and 3 days later we would use the same route to find the very same trees were different colors than just days before. It was a spectacular sight. This picture captures my favorite beauty...a mixture of red, orange, yellow and green....so gorgeous!
It seemed that every house has a beautiful garden in front...I love it.
I also love the window boxes.
The pictures are great. It's nice to be able to put faces to names that you write about on the blog. And the houses and trees are so pretty!
what a neat place. Everyone looks so sweet! Yall are in the presence of Angels....healing! Keep the Faith!
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