K chose to take the time while we were all a little preoccupied to try on some of Mommy's MK makeup. She has quickly discovered that she has a BIG interest in cosmetics...ahhh....a little Mary Kay consultant in the making :)
Kaelyn hasn't been acting like herself, so Lisa checked K's ears while she was here and it looks like K has been suffering from a double ear infection. No wonder she hasn't been feeling well...poor thing.
How many men does it take to find the short in the light circuit?
The ladies deliberate over where to put everything...
My little holiday helpers...the girls put up most of the Christmas ornaments for me...of course that meant that the tree was largely decorated from 3 feet down...but hey, it was decorated!
Matlock decided to lend a hand today by offering a business card of a "light-hanging service contractor"
Tah Dah! Didn't they do a GREAT job?! I LOVE IT...and I know that Brad is smiling to know that his friends have carried on his fanatical Christmas traditions! :)