Thursday, May 12, 2011

Vacation Weekend At Galveston

Two weekends ago Brady & I took the kids to Galveston for the weekend. We met up with Angie & Josh and stayed with them in their amazing camper trailer. The kids had a tremendous time swimming and playing at the beach. Ok, Chloe tolerated it...she wasn't really happy about the scratchy seaweed or the dirty sand, but she managed. K & Zeke had a blast playing with Callie and Ansley. It was so much fun!

I would love to know what message Chloe was trying to send across to Brady in this picture. She looks so very pensive.

On Friday night Angie brought out glow sand to decorate pictures with. I have never seen anything like it. Of course the kids went straight from the artwork to rubbing it all over their bodies.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you all had a wonderful time! Oh how I miss Texas!

Peppermint Patty said...

Maybe Chloe needs some "water shoes." ?? I don't like scratchy sand and ickyk seaweed either! :)

Briella said...

Would love to read a update on how everyone is doing, especially Chloe!

Anonymous said...

sitting so nice with her legs spread wide open her pu--y barely covered, she knows what the boys want and it looks like she wants it too

Anonymous said...

it feels so nice at her age that little pussyreally clamps down on yourdick